

The elongated wormlike larvae of butterfly or moths that belong to order Lepidoptera with eruciform body, they eat plant materials mostly, while some eat insects and are cannibalistic. Caterpillars are typically voracious feeders and many of them are among the most serious agricultural pests Most of the caterpillars are covered in hair – like bristles called setae. These tiny filaments are often too pale to see, but a number of caterpillars are covered in thick swathes of setae that they mean for us to see and to heed. Theses setae can cause some mild skin irritations for people with sensitive skin. Setae act like caterpillar adhesives that have detachable ends that can lodge in the skin of an unlucky handler. The small ends can also float into mucus membranes, like in our eyes and prove almost impossible to extract.

Cockscomb( Celosia cristata)

This is a common Garden plant of the amaranth family ( amaranthaceae). Cockscomb are tender perennials but are usually grown as annuals in cooler climates. The plants produce dense undulating inflorescences that resembles the red combs on the head of roosters, thus their common name. the colours range from white and yellow to shades of orange, red and purple. These flowers can be dried and used in floral arrangement. The plants produce simple oval leaves that are arranged alternately along the stem. The small flowers have colourful bracts and are densely arranged in inflorescences. They produce large amounts of seeds. These plants are resistant to most diseases, and grow equally well indoors or out, though perfect place where they grow is with no shade and a well-drained soil, as the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. In some places the cockscomb is used as a vegetable. Where they eat young stems and flowers. The seeds are also edible   

Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus)

Oscar fishes are good pets to keep in your tank, they are a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names, like tiger Oscar, velevt cichlid and marble cichlid. They belong to class Actinopterygii of         They are large, with oval shaped body, the 1st dorsal fin is spinous and the 2nd one is composed of soft rays and is round. The anal fin is spinous anteriorly and also has a rounded edge. Though it has been bred to have many colours and patterns, a wild Oscar is dark green or brown with orange, red or yellow splotches. The wild Oscar fish has eyespots at the base of its tail. These eyespots serve to confuse the prediators They are widely regarded as sexually monomorphic, males grow more quickly and some in stains, males posses dark blotches on the base of their dorsal ins. They reach sexual maturity after one year of age and continues to reproduce for 9-10 years. Though the Oscar fish is a voracious predator, it is ...

Gray langur monkey ( Semnopithecus entellus)

Gray langurs also called Hanuman Langurs or hanuman monkeys, native to Indian subcontinent constituting to class Mammalia and genus Semnpithecus. Total of eight species are recognised so far, and they are terrestrial animals inhabiting forest areas.  They are greyish to yellowish in colour, with a black face and ears and dark hands and feet. They have tails longer than their bodies. Typically they have their tails looping towards their heads while walking or they have an inverted U or S shaped tail carriage pattern. Males are always greater than the females. They are primarily herbivores, but they do not totally depend on leaves and herbs they also eat coniferous needles and cones, rhizomes, mosses lichens and non-plant materials like spider-webs, termite mounds and insect larvae. Also they do not drink very often as they get water from the moisture in their food They can exist in 3 types of groups, one - male group consisting of one adult male, several females and offs...

Kingfisher (Alcedinidae)

Alcedine commonly called as kingfisher, is a suborder of small to medium-sized, brightly coloured birds in the Coraciiformes family. They belong to the class of Aves and Phylum Chordata. They are about 90 species and  treated either as a single family, the Alcedinidae, or as a suborder containing 3 families, namely Alcedinidae(river kingfisher), Halocyonidae (tree kingfisher) & Cerylidae (water kingfisher) They have a large head, long, sharp, pointed bills( for hunting prey), short legs with 4 toes, 3 of which are forward-pointing and shubby tail, they can have bright plumage(green/blue) with not much difference between the sexes. The irises of most species are dark brown in colour   Some kingfishers prefer to live near rivers and eat fish, while most species live away from water and eat small invertebrates, they are renowned for their dramatic hunting techniques, that is the birds initially sits still, watching for movement from a favourite perch. Having ...